Thursday, August 25, 2016

Short Summer!!

Leadville, Colorado averages 26 frost-free days each year, and those have come and gone.  Mornings have been in the low 30's the past several days, and last night we saw a heavy accumulation of new snow up on the mountains.
Mosquito Range - New Snow
A closer look:

We don't know if this batch will stick or not, but we do know that more snow is certain to fall in the coming weeks. The local's aren't too thrilled to see their short summer coming to an end, but we love to see the snow on the mountains!



  1. We are having record heat here, north of seattle. 90 tomorrow. How long are you staying in Leadville?

  2. We haven't seen 90 since we left Texas back in April! We had more snow last night. I think Winter is here. We plan on staying until the 3rd week in September.
