Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Aroostook County

Here are some birds we've seen around the area:

Cedar Waxwing

Black-throated Green Warbler

Chestnut-sided Warbler

Hooded Merganser

Gray Catbird

Double-crested Cormorant

American Goldfinch


  1. Isn't that Goldfinch pretty? And I love the Cormorant -- it looks quite big. Aren't they sea birds? Or am I thinking of the wrong bird?

  2. Hi Julee-

    That Goldfinch was a knockout. We get them down in Texas during the winter, but they have molted into a very dull plumage by then and we seldom see these bright ones.

    There are several species of Cormorants. Some utilize fresh water, some seawater, and some both. They are terrific fish catchers. This is the type of bird that has been domesticated to catch fish in Japan and China.


  3. Oh, right, I've seen them tied to the side of a boat in China and they fish for the fishermen!
